Monday, July 19, 2010

I have since found out...

As an addendum to what I wrote this morning I need to apologise for having been in my own little world so much last year that I missed something huge.

The man playing the digereedoo on that boat in Antarctica was one Peter Malcolm. He was an amazing man the likes of whom I have yet to meet again. I found out this afternoon that he died in June 2009. His impact on my life, in the short 10 days that I spent with him in Antarctic waters was huge. His words of encouragement helped me face some fears and gave me a new mantra to live by. When I'm in the middle of one of my panic attacks, which have been happening a fair bit recently the words 'Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real' spring into my head (eventually) and help me to calm down. He said that to me before I climbed aboard the cargo ship containing the garbage we had gone to King George Island to remove and I have never forgotten it. I will never forget it.

There were a few instances like that and I am so happy to have known him.

Rest In Peace, Peter. I fear you may have died not knowing how you helped me and the impact that you are having on my life even now, 8 years after I first met you and more than a year after you died. Sorry I never kept in touch. Raewyn

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